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Minutes 11/28/06
Minutes of the Charter Revision Commission Meeting held on Tuesday November 28, 2006 in the Mary Hawley Room at Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT.
PRESENT: Al Cramer, Guy Howard, Joan Plouffe, LeReine Frampton, Carolyn Signorelli, one member of the public.
ABSENT: Joseph Hemingway.
Chairman Al Cramer called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.
ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: Upon motion of Mr. Cramer, the minutes of the regular meeting on 11/21/06 were unanimously accepted as presented.
Terms of the First Selectman and Board of Selectmen.
LeReine Frampton stated that if the Board of Selectmen form of government were retained, she would be in favor of a 4-year term for the First Selectman and a 2-year term for the Board of Selectmen. She feels that by having the First Selectman have to run every 2-years, the Town looses too much valuable time to the election process. She also feels that it would take a new First Selectman at least 2-years to get acclimated to the job.
Carolyn Signorelli agreed adding that most mayors and governors have 4-year terms and that there are checks and balances in place through the Board of Selectman and Legislative Council.
Guy Howard stated that a 4-year term and a more competitive salary for the First Selectman would help attract more candidates.
Al Cramer noted that the downside to extending the term of the First Selectman to 4-years is that if he/she were a poor administrator and alienated Town departments and citizens, the voters would have to wait an additional 2-years to have them removed.
Joan Plouffe stated that the term of the First Selectman should remain at 2-years unless a recall provision is included in the Charter.
Board of Finance Terms
· LeReine Frampton feels that the Board of Finance should have more continuity and that by having a 4-year term instead of the current 2-year term, the possibility of having the entire board turn over every 2-years would be eliminated. Guy Howard stated that the continuity lies with the Finance Director who provides the analysis to the Board of Finance.
· Al Cramer feels that if the Legislative Council is a 2-year term, the Board of Finance as an advisory body to the Legislative Council, should have the same 2-year term. He also feels that the name of the Board of Finance must be changed to avoid conflict with State Statutes.
· Carolyn Signorelli would like to clarify the original intent of the Board of Finance because State Statutes that refer to a Board of Finance are more in line with a Legislative Council body. Guy Howard agreed adding that State Statutes referring to a Board of Finance reference current year budgets and levying taxes, which are duties of the Legislative Council.
Town Meetings
· Joan Plouffe raised the possibility of increasing the authority of the Legislative Council for emergency appropriations to eliminate some Town Meetings. She would not be in favor of eliminating all Town Meetings.
· Guy Howard questioned the underlying reason for allowing special appropriation, noting that it seems like an easy way to get things through.
· Al Cramer feels that the upside of Town Meetings is that it gives the public a right to come forward and have full right to petition. The downside is that additional items can be added after budget approval and special appropriations can be made and voted on at the Town Meeting.
Town Clerk Term
Ms. Signorelli made a motion to amend the term of the Town Clerk to 4-years. Second by Ms. Frampton, unanimously carried.
Legislative Council Term
· Ms. Signorelli made a motion to maintain the Legislative Council Term of 2-years. Second by Ms. Frampton, unanimously carried.
Board of Selectmen
· Ms. Signorelli made a motion to retain the Board of Selectmen. Second by Ms. Frampton, unanimously carried.
Annual Town Meeting
· Mr. Cramer motioned to eliminate the annual town meeting. Annual reports to be filed by boards, commissions, departments, and officers by the first Monday in October. The Legislative Council to determine how dissemination of reports to the public will occur. Motion seconded. Unanimously carried.
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday December 5, 2006.
Mr. Cramer moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded and unanimously carried. Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:04.
Patrick M. Kelley, Clerk